If you’re in charge of designing an e-learning course for your organization, there are several things you should consider. This article will discuss four types of online learning: Hybrids, Online learning, Knowledge databases, and Apps. These forms of online training have their own advantages and disadvantages, and it’s important to know what they all have in common. Knowing your audience’s needs is also crucial to making the right choices.
Online learning
While the Internet can be convenient, not everyone has access to it. The internet, for example, isn’t accessible to everyone in some areas, such as rural areas. Because of this, online learning may not be accessible to all students, especially those who are less privileged. Lack of access can prevent otherwise qualified students from completing an online course. Also, students from rural and underprivileged areas may not have the opportunity to attend an online course due to their limited resources.
Knowledge databases
The most basic type of e-learning content is knowledge databases. These are usually found on software websites and provide indexed explanations of software questions and step-by-step instructions for performing specific tasks. They are moderately interactive and enable you to search for answers to specific questions by key word or alphabetically. These knowledge databases can be used for online training as well as to help people find answers to specific questions. Here are a few examples of knowledge databases.
Mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets are increasingly used for e-learning. These devices allow students to use courses while in transit, waiting for meetings, or taking a lunch break. Students can also use them for preparation for exams and government exams. Even employees of corporate offices can make use of these applications for professional development. These devices offer a convenient way to train their employees from wherever they may be. These mobile apps also help companies track their employees’ time spent studying.
Many educators are adopting hybrids in e-learning and face-to-face teaching. While a face-to-face classroom offers an immediate feedback, a hybrid learning environment demands a different approach. Unlike traditional classrooms, students must physically show up for a hybrid class. Likewise, not all students have access to reliable Internet or working technology 24 hours a day, which can hamper learning. Teachers must consider these issues when designing hybrid learning environments and ensure that they are addressing the needs of students in both settings.
Online learning platforms
The e-learning platforms available in the market today are more than just learning content. They also facilitate the creation of learning communities and the sharing of e-learning content. Facebook and LinkedIn users can form groups to discuss topics of common interest. Facebook groups allow members to communicate freely, and LinkedIn groups can also be used to connect with one another. Twitter is another popular platform for connecting with learning communities. YouTube allows users to post educational content and comment on other’s videos.
Saving time
Creating eLearning for global audiences has unique challenges, but it also affords the benefits of economies of scale. With a few small decisions, you can save time and money while creating high-quality eLearning. Here are four examples of the types of time-saving changes you can make to your eLearning design: