The recovery time after Gastric Sleeve surgery is fairly short. Most people are back at work in just two weeks. While vigorous exercise should be avoided for four weeks, gentle exercises can be resumed immediately. You can take prescribed medications, although it’s a good idea to cut large tablets in half, so they won’t affect your stomach size too much. Most common medications for diabetes and high blood pressure are fine. Read on to find out about the recovery time and the changes to your diet that you can expect to experience after the procedure.
Side effects of gastric sleeve surgery
Gastric sleeve surgery has many possible side effects. While most of them are related to the natural changes in the stomach and gastrointestinal tract, some are more serious, and can lead to complications such as food intolerance, skin sagging, or stomach ulcers. These side effects can be prevented or minimized, depending on the patient’s health and lifestyle. To learn more about gastric sleeve surgery, consult with your surgeon.
Immediately following surgery, patients may experience increased indigestion and discomfort with food movement. Vomiting is also a common complication, which will gradually fade as the stomach adjusts to the new size, shape, and physiology. In most cases, reflux can be controlled with simple medical treatment. However, if frequent vomiting occurs, the patient may need to seek medical attention. Gastroscopic surgery is an effective treatment for indigestion and acid reflux.
Diet changes after surgery
The post-op phase of gastric sleeve surgery involves gradual changesĀ in your diet. In the first week after surgery, you’ll eat only clear liquids and soft foods. As you acclimate to the new restrictions, you may start eating solid foods again. Initially, you may want to stick with low-fat and protein-rich foods, such as scrambled eggs or pureed tuna and chicken salad with low-fat mayo. You may also use some liquid supplements, which are high in protein and low in calories.
To help you adjust to your new diet, you should write down everything you eat. You should also take time to chew each bite thoroughly. Avoid fried and processed foods, as well as rice and bread. Instead, try to stick to a diet rich in lean proteins and vegetables. Try to limit your intake of starchy vegetables and concentrate sweets. During the first few weeks after surgery, you can gradually introduce red meat to your daily diet.
Recovery time
After undergoing gastric sleeve surgery, patients should be prepared to spend a few days recovering at home. They should be aware that simple tasks such as grocery shopping, walking the dog, climbing stairs, and taking care of their children may be impossible for a few days after surgery. To help them get over the discomfort, patients should ask for pain medication before they feel unwell. Afterwards, patients should follow strict dietary instructions and limit their intake of sugar and salt.
After gastric sleeve surgery, patients will be on a liquid diet for the first day and may need to drink only water and protein shakes for the next two weeks. They should avoid caffeinated beverages and focus on drinking plenty of water. However, they can gradually resume eating soft foods once they’ve healed. It’s important to limit their intake of heavier meats and avoid strenuous activity while they’re on liquid diet.